The Blog

Grab a cuppa and let's dive in!

14 things to say to calm an anxious child anxiety

If your child suffers from anxiety, then you know how difficult it can be to find the right words to help them when they’re feeling worried. You know that they’re going to be fine, and that there is really no need for them to worry, but when you tell them this, they don’t believe you. In fact, many ...

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How to respond when your child has a tantrum challenging behaviours

If you're a parent then you know all about the yelling, screaming, crying, thrashing, kicking, hitting and general lashing out that accompanies toddler tantrums. It's frustrating, it's exhausting and it's overwhelming. It can leave you feeling like you have absolutely no idea what you are doing. A...

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5 fun and easy mindfulness crafts your kids will love mindfulness

If you're reading this blog post, I'm guessing you're at least a little bit interested in mindfulness for kids. Maybe you're wanting to teach mindfulness to your kids. Or maybe you want to expand on your practice a little bit and add a few more tools to your arsenal. But I'm also guessing that you...

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8 ways to help your child overcome school anxiety anxiety

As we approach the end of the first school term, most children have settled into the regular routines and rhythms of school life. If you have a kindergartener, they’re more than likely seasoned pros at this school business by now. They can navigate the canteen line, remember library day, have receiv...

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How to respond to aggressive behaviour in young children challenging behaviours

A lot of parents assume that aggressive behaviour in young children means they are naughty, bad, or mean. They punish their child for hitting, place them in time out, send them to their room, use harsh words or even hit them back.

But their child continues to hit. This leads parents to believe that...

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Why children whine (and how to make it stop!) challenging behaviours

I recently asked my Facebook followers which of their children's behaviours drove them the MOST crazy. Can you guess what they said? Yep. You got it. Everyone wanted to know how to get their kids to stop whining. Whining is high on every parents list of irritating behaviours. And I get it. It's hi...

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10 ways to ease a child's anxiety about starting school anxiety

Do you have a freshly minted 5 year old heading off to school this year? Me too! Starting school is a huge milestone isn’t it? It can also be really daunting for our small humans (and us big humans, too!). So if your child is feeling anxious about starting school, that’s perfectly normal.

Yep. Ever...

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8 powerful ways to reduce sibling rivalry challenging behaviours

Ah, sibling rivalry. Do you remember how you felt when you found out you were having another child? Did you imagine siblings playing peacefully side by side? Sharing, encouraging each other, giving each other kisses and cuddles? Being best friends?

Did you also imagine the fights about who’s lookin...

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How to support your child with emotional regulation in 6 steps emotional regulation

Almost all of the parents that bring their child to see me for therapy are worried about their child’s emotional regulation skills. They worry that their child is overly sensitive, that they become distressed over small things, that they are quick to anger, they hurt others or themselves when upset,...

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How to set up a calm down corner for your child emotional regulation

Whenever I see a family in therapy, and they mention that their child is having trouble with emotional regulation -  things like anger, aggression, anxiety, frequent meltdowns or tantrums - this is where I start. With the calm down corner.

In fact, I pretty much tell everyone I see to set up a calm...

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12 ways to support an anxious child anxiety

A few weeks ago I wrote a post about identifying anxiety in children. Some of you may have recognised some of the signs of anxiety in your child. And if you did, you were probably wondering, well, now what? How do I help my anxious child? So, here are the answers. Here are lots of answers, actually....

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How to identify signs of anxiety in your child anxiety

Do you know which mental illness people most frequently seek help from a GP for? Yep, anxiety. Do you also know that some studies suggest up to 30% of kids experience anxiety at some point in their lives? Thirty percent!  And amazingly, other studies suggest that up to 80% of kids with anxiety never...

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