Mindful Meltdown Mastery

  Learn how to quickly de-escalate your child's big meltdowns and outbursts without losing your cool, or resorting to threats, bribes or punishments, so you can support them to develop lifelong self regulation skills (and finally get some relief from those tantrums!).

Yes, I want this!


Are you trying hard to be the calm, responsive parent you always wanted to be, but find yourself exhausted from dealing with almost constant meltdowns from your child?


 Which of these scenarios sounds most familiar to you?


❌ You're dealing with big, explosive meltdowns and tantrums from your child that quickly turn violent. You're scared that they will hurt you, themselves, or their siblings, and you're worried about what their future will look like if you don't get these aggressive outbursts under control.


❌ Your child seems to be triggered by the slightest little thing - being asked to get in the bath, turn off the TV, pack away their toys,  the colour of their cup, the way their shoes feel on their feet - and the meltdown seems to come from nowhere. You're confused about where these tantrums are coming from, and why they're happening. And you're worried that your child will never learn how to cope with setbacks or challenges in life. 


❌ Your child's meltdowns and tantrums are intense and they go on, and on, and on. It doesn't matter what you do or say, your child continues to spiral out of control and nothing seems to help them calm down. You're feeling burnt out, exhausted and very low on empathy, and you're worried that they will never develop the skills they need to self regulate.


❌ Your child holds it together all day long - at school, at childcare, with friends or family members -  and then they just breakdown and completely lose it the second they walk in the front door. You are feeling completely frustrated and overwhelmed, and you're worried that YOU are the reason they are having so many meltdowns. 


Whether you nodded along to just one of these scenarios, or to all four - this workshop is for YOU. And I want you to know this: your child is NOT broken, and neither are YOU. You're NOT the cause of your child's meltdowns. But the way you respond to them has the potential to either make them better, or make them worse. 


I know you want your child to develop the skills they need to manage their emotions effectively, so I bet you've tried a bunch of things already, right?

Teaching your child calm down strategies

👉🏼 BUT your child just cannot or will not use the strategies you suggest. They flat out refuse to try mindful breathing, throw the stress ball across the room, yell at you to go away and leave them alone or lash out and become aggressive when you offer them a hug or try to help them calm down.

Trying to set boundaries or give your child consequences for their behaviour

👉🏼 BUT it doesn't matter how many times you state the boundary, your child doesn't listen. In fact, the more rules, boundaries and consequences you try to implement, the worse the tantrums seem to get. And now, you might even find yourself tiptoeing around your child trying to avoid setting them off instead.

Trying to remain calm yourself

👉🏼 BUT you find yourself so triggered by your child's behaviour that you just can't stay calm in the moment. You end up yelling, threatening, or punishing your child, even though you know it's not helpful and it's not the parent you want to be - at all. You just feel so helpless and frustrated in the moment, you don't know what else to do!

You want to break generational cycles and support your child to process their big feelings in healthy ways - so you can give them the skills they need to manage their emotions for the rest of their lives



What if you could put an end to the frustration, confusion and overwhelm you feel when your child has a big meltdown, and could instead, feel confident in your ability meet your child's needs, support them with their emotions and diffuse their meltdowns safely - so they can learn the skills they need to successfully navigate all the ups and downs of life - both now and in the future?


Well, you can...and I'd love to help you get there!



Mindful Meltdown Mastery


A 3-part workshop for parents of kids aged 2-12 that will help you learn how to effectively respond to, and de-escalate, your child's meltdowns, tantrums and aggressive outbursts without relying on threats, bribes or punishments. So you can help them learn lifelong self regulation skills, build a closer, more connected relationship, and finally break the cycle of blame, shame and fear that keeps you feeling stuck, powerless and ashamed.

Discover a new way to respond to big emotions and challenging behaviours




👉🏼 Why mainstream advice about setting firmer boundaries, ignoring your child, or providing consequences for behaviour is probably making the meltdowns worse - and what to do instead

👉🏼 My simple 4 step formula for responding calmly to meltdowns and challenging behaviour every.single.time (even if you're in public!).

👉🏼 My go-to strategies for remaining regulated yourself no matter what is happening around you (yes, even if your child is yelling, hitting, kicking or throwing things)

👉🏼 The #1 thing you need to focus on in the moment and what you need to STOP doing if you want to de-escalate your child 

👉🏼 Short, simple scripts you can use to ensure your child feels seen and understood and is able to process and move their big emotions through their body 

👉🏼 How to understand what's really causing your child's meltdowns, tantrums and outbursts so you can get to the root of the problem and fix it - for good.


And best of all?

I'll show you how to create a customised 1 page co-regulation plan for YOUR child, so you can find strategies that work with their uniquely wired brain and nervous system and finally reduce, or even prevent your child's meltdowns from happening in the first place!

 Here's what you'll get...


  • A 3-part, 2 hour long recorded workshop that you can watch in your on time, and keep FOREVER 
  • A comprehensive parent workbook that includes all the information we cover during the workshop, as well as exercises, worksheets and additional resources you need to implement your learning. 
  • BONUS: A 1 page, step by step worksheet to help you map out your co-regulation response plan ahead of time (so you never have to think on the spot again).


Yes, I want this!

Hi, I'm Sarah!


I'm a child psychologist, mother of 4, and founder of Sarah Conway Psychology.

I have spent the last 16 years of my career working with children and families struggling with BIG feelings and challenging behaviours.

And in that time, I have helped hundreds of families move away from traditional mainstream parenting advice and towards responsive, attuned parenting that builds emotional intelligence and brings children and their parents closer together.

Everything I teach you inside of this workshop has been put to the test - with my clients, as well as with my own children.

I know that it works, because I am living it and teaching it every day. 

There is NOTHING I am more passionate about than giving children the childhood they deserve. A childhood where they feel seen, heard and accepted just as they are. 

A childhood they don't need to "recover" from.


Show me how to do this!

What makes this program different? 


It's not a set of quick tricks, tips or strategies to apply at random.


This is not a cookie cutter approach.


It's an entire framework that will help you view meltdowns, tantrums, and outbursts in a whole new way.


This framework can be applied to ALL families, because it is meant to be adapted and tailored to the unique needs of YOUR child. 


It helps you understand WHY your child is having a meltdown so you can get to the root of the problem and meet your child's needs - whatever they might be. 


Which means you can use it to respond to any meltdown, tantrum or outburst, no matter what might be happening for your child.

Let me show you how!

Yes, I'm in!

Still have questions? Let's get them answered for you!