Autism and ADHD Assessments 

Neurodiversity Affirming ADHD and Autism assessments for children, teens and adults who would like to better understand their neurotype, access effective supports, or find the best fit therapy/intervention to meet their unique needs 

Book your assessment

Autism Assessment with comprehensive report


Online and in-person autism assessments are available for children and teens aged 12 and over, as well as adults. Assessments for children under 12 are only completed in person from my office in Fairy Meadow, NSW - these cannot be completed online.

We will first meet up for a 50 min intake appointment to explore a little bit of your history and speak about why you are pursuing an assessment. If we decide to go ahead, we will then move forward with the formal assessment component.

You will be sent a range of online questionnaires to complete prior to your assessment. These may be completed by you/your child, or by people who know you or your child well. This might include parents, adult siblings, or even friends, depending on your current circumstances.

During the assessment I will then spend some time asking you about your/your child's history and development across a range of different situations. 

This usually takes around 3 hrs, but you are of course, welcome to take breaks as needed.

Your report will be ready within 4-6 weeks, and we will then schedule a final 50 minute session where I will provide you with feedback and you will have a chance to ask questions about your  assessment and report. Please note that this report is unlikely to grant you access to NDIS funding on its own. 

The fee for this service is $1800. 



ADHD Assessment with comprehensive report


Online ADHD assessments are available for children, teens and adults aged 5 and over.

We will first meet up for a 50 min intake appointment to explore a little bit of your/your child's history and speak about why you are pursuing an assessment. If we decide to go ahead, we will then move forward with the formal assessment component.

You will be sent a range of online questionnaires to complete prior to your assessment. If the assessment is for your child, I will also ask you to send through any relevant school information that may help us understand your child's experience in this setting. I will ask your child's teacher to complete questionnaires, and I may speak directly to them via email or phone.

During the assessment I will then spend some time asking you about your/your child's history and development across a range of different situations. 

This usually takes around 2 hrs, and you are welcome to break this up into 2 x 1hr appointments if you need. 

Your report will be ready within 4-6 weeks, and we will then schedule a final 50 minute session where I will provide you with feedback and you will have a chance to ask questions about your  assessment and report.

The fee for this service is $1500. 


*Please note, a diagnosis of ADHD alone is NOT sufficient to access NDIS funding

*Please also note that I am not a doctor and therefore not able to provide any medication. If you already know that you would like to explore medication as an option for you or your child, I recommend you see a paediatrician or psychiatrist rather than undergoing your assessment here with me. 


Autism and ADHD Assessment with comprehensive report


Online and in-person combined Autism/ADHD assessments are available for children and teens aged 12 and over, as well as adults. Assessments for children under 12 are only completed in person from my office in Fairy Meadow, NSW - these cannot be completed online.

We will first meet up for a 50min intake appointment to explore a little bit of your history and speak about why you are pursuing an assessment. If we decide to go ahead, we will then move forward with the formal assessment component.

You will be sent a range of online questionnaires to complete prior to your assessment. These may be completed by you/your child, or by people who know you or your child well. This might include parents, adult siblings, or even friends, depending on your current circumstances.

During the assessment I will then spend some time asking you about your/your child's history and development across a range of different situations. 

This is completed over 2 x 2-3hr appointments, with the ability to spend a little bit of extra time together as needed. 

Your report will be ready within 4-6 weeks, and we will then schedule a final 50 minute session where I will provide you with feedback and you will have a chance to ask questions about your  assessment and report. Please note that this report is unlikely to grant you access to NDIS funding on its own and you will likely need to see another health professional to support your diagnosis. 

The fee for this service is $2400.


Autism or ADHD Assessment with a letter only


This option is available for those people who do not want or need a comprehensive report.

I will complete the assessment as per the details above, but instead of completing a full report, will provide you with a brief letter outlining the results.

This letter will not be sufficient to gain access to NDIS funding but is provided as a more cost effective way to gain clarity around your/your child's neurotype.

The fee for a brief Autism or ADHD assessment is $1300. 

The fee for a brief combined Autism/ADHD assessment is $1900

Ready to schedule an assessment?

Get in touch!

I'd love to chat to you about your assessment needs. Please complete the form below and I will be in touch within 48 hours. We will start by scheduling an initial intake appointment so we can discuss your needs and determine which assessment is best for you or your child. If you are seeking an ONLINE assessment, these are currently completed on Thursdays and Fridays between 10am-1pm.

If you prefer an in-person assessment, or you are looking for an autism assessment for a child under 12, these are currently completed from my Fairy Meadow office on Fridays ONLY. Please also note that there may be a waitlist for assessments.


Frequently asked questions