About me

Hi, I’m Sarah! I'm a child and adolescent psychologist and a proud mama to my own neurodivergent children

I didn't start my career working with neurodivergent children. But I have always loved working with children with BIG feelings and emotions. The children who came to me with diagnoses like ODD and "behaviour problems". The children who were lashing out, melting down, and running away. The children the other therapists said were difficult, defiant and disruptive. The families who came to me in tears, feeling frustrated, overlooked and misunderstood. Who felt they'd been placed in the too hard basket yet again, and would never receive the help they needed and deserved. I had so much love and compassion for these children and their families.


Because when I dug deeper, I found that these children were not difficult or defiant at all. They were hurting, anxious, and scared. They had nervous systems that were vulnerable and sensitive and working so very hard to protect them. And of course, many of them were also neurodivergent. 


And so, I did the work. I loved the work. And then, I had my own children, and they turned out to be neurodivergent too. And now, it feels like I was always meant to end up right here, in this space, supporting children and families just like my own. This is where I belong, and I hope you can feel welcome here too.

My clients

Who do I work with?

I support neurodivergent children and families as well as the organisations and individuals who support them. Whether you've been formally identified, you self identify, or are just curious. This is a safe space to explore your neurotype.

All brains are unique. But neurodivergent brains are brains that differ from the "norm" in important ways. They are different, and they need a different approach. A different parenting approach. And a different therapy approach too.


I support Neurodivergent children through therapy and assessment. This includes Autistic and ADHD children, Gifted children, and those with OCD and anxiety who are experiencing a variety of challenges.


I support the parents of Neurodivergent children with online courses and parenting sessions that support them to provide responsive, neuroaffirming care to their amazing kiddos.


I support schools and educators who are teaching Neurodivergent children by working closely with them to provide accommodations and implement effective, neurodiversity affirming practices that meet the needs of your child while they are in their care.

My Methods

How do I work?

I'm not a regular psychologist, I'm a cool psychologist

Just kidding. Much to my own children's complete and utter embarrassment, I've never really been cool.

But I do run things a little differently around here.

Because if your child is under 12, I'll never see them alone. Your child has very little control over what happens at home or within your relationship - that's your domain. And there's no point teaching your child skills and strategies if you don't know how to support them when they get home. So we'll meet up together, and it will be you, as your child's safe person, who does much of the heavy lifting of change - at least in the beginning. 

First we build safety in relationships, THEN we teach skills. 

Evidence Based Therapy


I work primarily from an attachment focused perspective integrating elements from my training in Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT), Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (CBT), Dialectical Behaviour Therapy (DBT) and Family Systems Therapy. I also incorporate mindfulness, self compassion and psycho-education into my sessions, but will ultimately tailor the therapy approach to best suit you and your child.

Research Informed


As a self confessed "brain nerd", my true love and passion lies in the field of interpersonal neurobiology - the way our brains change and grow in relationship with others.

My approach is largely informed by the latest research in neuroscience, attachment and polyvagal theory. I'm inspired by the work of so many greats who came before me: Mona Delahooke, Ross Greene, Dan Siegel, and Stephen Porges, to name a few.

I pride myself on being able to translate complex brain science into language and practical tools that are easy to understand and accessible for children and their families.

Lived Experience


I am a mum of 4. Several of my children are Neurodivergent. I've been right where you are now - deep in the trenches, trying to work it all out, feeling overwhelmed, exhausted and unsure.

I get it. 

As for your child? Their experience of felt safety is my number one priority and I will do my best to ensure they can always be their authentic self during sessions. Do they love to infodump? I'm here for it. Do they need to move around while we talk? Great - I'll join them! Need fidgets? I'll show you where to find the best ones!


Professional Bio

Sarah Conway has been working with children and their families for over 15 years. She has a Bachelor of Psychology and a Master of Clinical Psychology from the University of Western Sydney.

Prior to starting her own private practice she spent 14 years working as a therapist for the Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service (CAMHS) within the public health system in NSW, Australia.

Ready to book an appointment?

I have current availability for private, Medicare or NDIS funded psychology appointments as well as parent support sessions and Autism and ADHD assessments. Simply fill in the form below and I will be in touch to schedule your first appointment. If you'd prefer to chat to me first, please go ahead and schedule in a free 15 min phone call - I'm happy to answer any questions you might have!